Thank you so much for your interest in Mother Crow!
Hello! I am Sharon, The owner and founder of Mother Crow, and here is why I started my business.
Mother Crow began with me, an artist and mother, that was initially thrilled to take on motherhood! Inevitable, motherhood is NOT easy and there are a lot of natural obstacles when battling the field of raising a little human. Some of the struggles, however, I discovered could have been avoided.
Examples of such struggles include; having no maternity leave or paternity leave for your partner, the pressure of breastfeeding and having to be alone for the entire process, having no marriage support after having a baby, financial hardship, and never getting adequate time or privacy to pump. These are just some of the problems I have encountered and talked to many mothers about that need to be enforced and changed within our society.
Eventually, my struggles manifested into designs, and the designs became part of a collection which I named Mother Crow. I like to communicate through dark humor, and my goal was always to provide a platform for mothers in which they can be open and honest about their struggles and become less hesitant to share them. As I became more open, I quickly realized that I am not alone.
My motives for Mother Crow go beyond creating cool apparel that makes mothers feel empowered...I wish for it to serve as a voice for the mother community and advocate for our well being and hardships.
Women's and mother's rights are not up to par, so let's talk about it! Why are the subjects of maternity leave and breastfeeding so disacknowledged?
Make sure to follow my blog as well! I promise to write lots of articles that are atypical and "taboo".
I can't wait to hear all the amazing stories other moms have to tell!
Much love, Sharon